Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Heap Sort

What is a Heap?
- Consider the case of ascend sorting, Heap is defined as an array of element al , al+1 that satisfy: i belong to [l,r] and i starts from 0

a>= a2i +1
a>= a2i+2     {(ai , a2i +1), (ai ,a2i+2) is a pair of joint elements}

-  If  al , al+1 is a Heap,  al is the largest element

- Phase 1: Adjust the initial array to heap (from the middle element of the array)
- Phase 2: Sort the array base on heap
  • Step 1: move the largest element to the end of the array
  • Step 2:
    + Exclude the largest element out of heap: r = r-1 
    + Adjust the remain of array
  • Step 3: Compare r and l:
    + If r > l, repeat step 2
    + Else: stop
        public static void HeapSort (double[] list)
            for (int i = list.Length - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                double Temp = list[0];
                list[0] = list[i];
                list[i] = Temp;              
                Shift (list, 0, i - 1);
        private static void CreateHeap(double []a)
            for (int i = (a.Length - 1) / 2; i >= 0; i--)
                Shift(a, i, a.Length - 1);

        static void Shift(double[] a, int left, int right)
            int curr = left;
            int joint = 2 * curr + 1;
            double x = a[curr];

            while (joint <= right)
                if (joint < right)
                    if (a[joint] < a[joint + 1])
                        joint = joint + 1;
                if (a[joint] < x)
                a[curr] = a[joint];
                curr = joint;
                joint = 2 * curr + 1;
            a[curr] = x;
Hope this help!


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