Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Programmatically adding, editing, deleting SharePoint List Items

The following is the full code to add, update and delete SharePoint list item in C#
In this post, I use the list named "Employee" in the previous posts

Add a new item
            SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
            SPList list = web.Lists["Employee"];
            SPListItem listItem = list.Items.Add();
            listItem["Title"] = "Betty";
            listItem["Birthday"] = "1/1/1990";
            listItem["Male"] = 1;
            listItem["Position"] = "Tester";

Edit an item
             for (int i = 0; i < itemCol.Count; i++)
                SPListItem item = itemCol[i];
                if(item["ID"].ToString() == "2") // Find an item by ID then updating it
                    item["Title"] = "Linda";
                    item["Birthday"] = "1/2/1990";
                    item["Male"] = 0; //the Yes/No field type, 0 refers to female and 1 refers to male
                    item["Position"] = "Tester";

Delete an item

Hope this helps!


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